Grant Review Criteria and Application Forms

November 1, 1999

Mission statement as pertains to the awarding of grants "... distributes funds for educational, cultural, civic and charitable purposes for the benefit of the greater community of Jefferson County, Iowa."


  1. Board policy to try to spread the disbursements throughout the entire county.
  2. Past reasons for "no consideration" to grants:
    1. Politically sensitive issues
    2. Incomplete applications or where item is for use in a private residence
  3. Board policy adopted in 1998 stated churches and related entities were not eligible.
  4. Consider the benefit of the grant to residents of Jefferson County.
  5. Number of residents of the county that will be affected by the grant.
  6. Past grants received by the organization.
  7. Consider the ability of the organization to complete the project if only a partial disbursement of the grant request is made.
  8. The organization must be qualified. A determination letter from the IRS will clarify this issue. We have to make sure that the organization the grants are given to allow for the federal tax deductibility of donations in order for us to keep our tax exempt trust status. If we lose our tax exempt status (charter), there is a possibility that grant recipients will have to pay taxes on the grants that they have received from us and everyone will lose.
  9. Reluctance to grant money to tax supported organizations. A best judgement decision must be made as to a volunteer group under a city's auspices submitting a grant versus a city submitting a grant for a capital expense that would be better funded through taxation.

Annual Community Grant